Monday, March 7, 2011

One crazy mixed up weekend

My mom and I had to make a emergency trip back home for a funeral :/ the funeral was sad but on a good note I got to see Justin!!!! First time since November. I was so excited and nervous and happy and scared and AH! Just everything. Mom and her friend went out and I was watching her friends little girl at the hotel so Justin came and we layed in bed with the baby watching disney channel for 4 hours. It was great :) We talked alot about him going to Hawaii in a few months..... I'm really scared but he's excited. I asked him what was going to happen between me and him after he left and he said the same thing I say all the time.... I don't know. He said well I hope you'll go to college so you can do your nursing thing and then we'll go from there. He's big on school. All last year he'd call me at 6 sharp to wake me up and if I said I wasn't going to school ooooh he'd get upset. Half the time I'd go just so he wouldn't fuss. It's cute. No one else has ever really cared if I go to school and do good or not so it was different for sure. He doesn't call in the mornings anymore though :( I'm hoping he can make it to my graduation in a few months. 10 weeks to be exact. After I saw Justin friday night we got a call from my younger sister at 2 am begging us to come home because my step dad had lost his mind and tore the house apart.... threatened to kill mom and take my sister and brother away. We flew home as quick as we could. The kids had run to the neighbors so he wouldn't be able to take them. He went to jail for theft and harrasment but got out on bail. Now we have a protective order so he can't contact any of us kids or mom. Its a mess thats for sure but hopefully everything will work out okay. I'm in class now. My college classes are on spring break this week so I have no psych or sociology :D its great. Anyways, I think thats all I'm going to write for today. Bye ya'll!

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