Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A little bit more about me :)

Hi everyone! I'm sitting in class doing absolutely nothing :/ I take 2 college classes for 3rd and 4th block and today we don't have class so I have nothing better to do than sit here wasting time writing! If it was allowed I would leave early and go home BUT rules are if you leave early its considered a tardy -_- EVEN if you have nothing to do for the rest of the day. Its plain out stupid. Wouldn't it be better if I could go home and actually do something productive like brush horses, fill water buckets or clean the house up a bit instead of wasting time sitting on the computer? School rules don't make sense half the time. I think if your caught up on all your work and have good grades you should be allowed to go home once your done with your work but thats just me. So I haven't seen Justin since Thanksgiving and even then it was only for a few hours :( AND he got new orders about a month ago..... guess where he's getting sent to HAWAII for the next FOUR years. So instead of just being a couple hours apart we're going to be almost an ocean apart. I got really scared when he told me and since then have been a bit of a mess :/ I don't want him to go but I know he doesn't have much of a choice. I was really upset the other day when I was talking to my mom about all this and her being the wonderful mother she is called him later on that night and now he'd coming up here to see me before he leaves. I'm excited :))) but at the same time I'm scared and nervous and know that when it's time for him to leave I'll be even more of a mess. I mean we made it through bootcamp, A School and him getting stationed in Va but hawaii is alot farther away. Do you know how much a plane ticket to hawaii is??? $1000 and thats if its bought several months in advance. He leaves in April to go back to school in Fl then in June heads to Hawaii. I graduate in May so we're hoping (crossing fingers too) that he'll be able to make it to my graduation. I'd really like for him to be there but if he's not..... well I understand. He called me the night mom talked to him and told me he was going to come visit but refused to tell me when -_- so knowing my luck he's going to show up while I'm in school or asleep and I'm gonna look like crap and then I'll be mad -_- but not for long b/c I'd get to see him :) I worry that with us being so far apart that we'll both change and not fit right together anymore. Everytime I know I'm going to see him I get all nervous and can feel the butterflys in my stomache and then I see him and know everythings still the same and I fall into his arms and no matter whats going on around me, everything is okay and time stops for a little while. It's.... amazing to say the least. Well I guess thats all I'm going to write for today. I have a friend that wants to be a mortician and wants me to read her essay for mortician school. Oughta be fun :) Bye!

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