Monday, March 21, 2011

The end is in sight!

So I got several papers for scholarships today.... I'm pretty excited. I have a 2.5 gpa which I know is not the best. Its about average but hey who ever said there was something wrong with average?? :) I'm actually really smart but I HATE doing homework and so it kinda kills my grade a bit. I'm gonna attempt to work harder for this last semester and mayybe get myself bumped up to a 3.0..... maybe. hopefully. crossing my fingers. I also found out today that I passed the first half of my latin class with a 85 :) I'm quite proud of myself. That class is a pain and its online which makes it 10x's worse. In my sociology class we're having to do a project about deviant acts in public. So, me and the 3 other girls in my group have to come up with a deviant act to do in public that won't get us arrested or beat up. Any suggestions?? It oughta be fun. If we record it I'll have to post it on here but back to what I was thinking about when I started writing. I can't believe theres only  2 months left till graduation. Me and my mom had this BIIIIIG talk last night about graduation and how I don't have any real "best" friends. You know like the ones you've been in school with from pre-k all the way up to high school graduation. I don't have that and I never will ever. Because we moved SO much. I think the longest I've ever lived anywhere was 4 years and that was just in the same school district not the same house. We change houses every year or two. I mean I have friends all over the place in different states, countys, schools, neighborhoods but none that I can actually say OMG what if we never talk after graduation, I can't believe we're not gonna be together anymore or any of that. The school I'll be graduating from almost everyone has been together since they were babies. Everyone that is but me. So come graduation day when everyones in tears and reminiscing memories from kindergarden and up I'll just be standing to the side all on my own because I don't have that. It hurts but in the long run I think it'll be good for me. Atleast I hope it is. Well before I start crying again thinking about all this I'm going to close this and go work on scholarships. Wish me luck!

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