Monday, March 28, 2011

Weekend recap

If you've noticed I haven't said much of anything about Justin lately. That would be because I haven't heard anything from him since I got back from virginia at the beginning of the month. Need less to say I have decide to break things off with him completely. Deleted his number and everything. He's got some growning up to do and he's going to be gone for the next 3 1/2/ years so I think it's in our best interest to go our separate ways and IF when he comes back we're both single and would like to try things again then, then we will. But until then I'm on my own :) So, I started talking to this guy that lives near by. We went to his house saterday night and watched movies and then friday night went out to the movie theater in town and saw Rango. I had SO much fun. Like I can't even remember having that much fun with Justin. He kissed me :) and it was so perfect. He didn't do like Justin pretty much try to have sex with me from the get go. It wasn't like that. It was so much sweeter.... so different from what I'm use to. His names Michael, tall, brown eyes, kinda dirty blonde curly hair and the prettiest smile I've ever seen. We had so much fun hanging out saterday and sunday. It was fun, relaxed, sweet, no pressure, and we just had a good time laughing and watching movies. My mom met him and seems to like him so far. Theres just one catch.... I go to school with his sister and I don't think she likes me seeing him but I think she'll get over it or get use to it in time. I really like him and don't want us seeing each other to cause problems. Anyways, That was my weekend. Well there was more to it but that was the best part of it maybe I'll fill in more of my weekend later but I've already written plenty for today. I'll be getting out of the prison called school in about 20 minutes. Me and a friend are hanging out in town for a while and then hopefully Michaels coming over for dinner :) Well I hope everyone elses weekend was as good as mine and that you have an ah-mazing week like I plan to. Later!

Monday, March 21, 2011

The end is in sight!

So I got several papers for scholarships today.... I'm pretty excited. I have a 2.5 gpa which I know is not the best. Its about average but hey who ever said there was something wrong with average?? :) I'm actually really smart but I HATE doing homework and so it kinda kills my grade a bit. I'm gonna attempt to work harder for this last semester and mayybe get myself bumped up to a 3.0..... maybe. hopefully. crossing my fingers. I also found out today that I passed the first half of my latin class with a 85 :) I'm quite proud of myself. That class is a pain and its online which makes it 10x's worse. In my sociology class we're having to do a project about deviant acts in public. So, me and the 3 other girls in my group have to come up with a deviant act to do in public that won't get us arrested or beat up. Any suggestions?? It oughta be fun. If we record it I'll have to post it on here but back to what I was thinking about when I started writing. I can't believe theres only  2 months left till graduation. Me and my mom had this BIIIIIG talk last night about graduation and how I don't have any real "best" friends. You know like the ones you've been in school with from pre-k all the way up to high school graduation. I don't have that and I never will ever. Because we moved SO much. I think the longest I've ever lived anywhere was 4 years and that was just in the same school district not the same house. We change houses every year or two. I mean I have friends all over the place in different states, countys, schools, neighborhoods but none that I can actually say OMG what if we never talk after graduation, I can't believe we're not gonna be together anymore or any of that. The school I'll be graduating from almost everyone has been together since they were babies. Everyone that is but me. So come graduation day when everyones in tears and reminiscing memories from kindergarden and up I'll just be standing to the side all on my own because I don't have that. It hurts but in the long run I think it'll be good for me. Atleast I hope it is. Well before I start crying again thinking about all this I'm going to close this and go work on scholarships. Wish me luck!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

I'm baaaack

It's been about a week since I've been on here. Not much has happened between now and then. But to fill you in on what has happened...... My step dad might be moving back in -_- I have half the mind to move out after graduation if he does. Nothing gets better when he comes back. Ever. It just gets worse but mom says she doesn't have a choice. We finished putting up the fence for our back pasture for the horses, they are in heaven now with all that grass lol. A friend came over friday night and locked his keys in his jeep so he had to stay the night until his dad could bring his spare key to him. Saterday I got sun BURNT and today me and my brother went to the creek down the road from the house and splashed around a bit.... I might post some pictures from that on here with this blog. On the note of my emotions, you know when you've hit rock bottom and fee like nothings going right? Yeah well thats how I feel right now on the good note of that though things can only get better from there I hope. The past couple weeks have been a mess, did I mention that Justin and I kinda decided to go our separate ways?? Well I don't know if thats what you'd call it but we decided since he's going to be gone for the next 3 1/2 years come middle of April that it would be best not to be together. Maybe when he comes home we'll get back together but for now.... its just me :) :( Well theres 27 days till senior trip, 34 days till my 18th birthday, 41 days till prom and 61 days til graduation (including weekends) I'm excited AND I'll have my last day of clinicals next week so I can FINALLY go take my CNA test. I think thats about it for today. See ya!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Back in school

Well, I'm back in school after being out for 3 days. Things are starting to semi- settle down. We went to court yesterday.... mom dropped the protection order and we went out for lunch with my step dad afterwards and he went to Chops basketball game with mom. He said he never would have hurt mom or taken the kids *bullshit* Mom says he's not moving back in with us and that all of us are going to counseling. I don't really want to go I just want him to LEAVE but oh well I guess there isn't much I can do about it. We got to go out for lunch today during school b/c everyone got their FAFSA filled out. Yay!!! Lol. It was okay... kinda boring b/c half the senior class was gone but I did get out of class which is always a plus. And we signed the paper for senior t-shirts AND we got the revised paper of our senior trip itinerary. I can't wait for senior trip. Only 5 more weeks til senior trip, 6 weeks til my birthday, 7 weeks til prom and 10 weeks til graduation! Ahhhh! SO much going on in the next 2 months. It's crazy. Well I have latin homework ugh :p Talk to ya'll later. Bye!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

More pictures!

So I've decided to start a portfolio of all the pictures I've taken :) Here's a few of them.

And thats just a few :)
Hope you like them as much as I do! :D

Monday, March 7, 2011

Meet the Family

This is Ms. Brianna. She's a complete clown, theres never a dull moment with her and she's a tomboy through and through. She'd rather play soccer and football than play with dolls and fix her makeup. She's the best little sister anyone could ask for even if we don't see eye to eye all the time.

This would be Alex. I call him my little big brother because he's younger than me but is taller -_- I'd go crazy with out my brother. He's one of my best friends, I know I can tell him just about anything even though he drives me insane.

Mr. Ron jr. Me and him are total camera hogs ;) he got the short end of the stick on height in the family and is the youngest. He's a little ball of energy. Back flip, front flip, cartwheel, baseball, football, soccer and basketball he never stops!

Last but not least is mom. She's my best friend. I can talk to her about pretty much anything, shes always there for me no matter what and most of all she loves me :) She's one of the strongest, most hard working people I've ever known. She's a bit confusing when it comes to her love life but she'll work it out in time lol. People say we look like twins ALL the time and that I act just like her which in a way is a good thing. My moms an awesome person to be compared to :)

 Well thats my family! I'll post more later tonight maybe :)

* Did I ever mention that I love photography?? I'll have to post some of the pictures that I've taken. I took all the ones of my family to :) I'm hoping to major in nursing and minor in photography in college.

One crazy mixed up weekend

My mom and I had to make a emergency trip back home for a funeral :/ the funeral was sad but on a good note I got to see Justin!!!! First time since November. I was so excited and nervous and happy and scared and AH! Just everything. Mom and her friend went out and I was watching her friends little girl at the hotel so Justin came and we layed in bed with the baby watching disney channel for 4 hours. It was great :) We talked alot about him going to Hawaii in a few months..... I'm really scared but he's excited. I asked him what was going to happen between me and him after he left and he said the same thing I say all the time.... I don't know. He said well I hope you'll go to college so you can do your nursing thing and then we'll go from there. He's big on school. All last year he'd call me at 6 sharp to wake me up and if I said I wasn't going to school ooooh he'd get upset. Half the time I'd go just so he wouldn't fuss. It's cute. No one else has ever really cared if I go to school and do good or not so it was different for sure. He doesn't call in the mornings anymore though :( I'm hoping he can make it to my graduation in a few months. 10 weeks to be exact. After I saw Justin friday night we got a call from my younger sister at 2 am begging us to come home because my step dad had lost his mind and tore the house apart.... threatened to kill mom and take my sister and brother away. We flew home as quick as we could. The kids had run to the neighbors so he wouldn't be able to take them. He went to jail for theft and harrasment but got out on bail. Now we have a protective order so he can't contact any of us kids or mom. Its a mess thats for sure but hopefully everything will work out okay. I'm in class now. My college classes are on spring break this week so I have no psych or sociology :D its great. Anyways, I think thats all I'm going to write for today. Bye ya'll!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A little bit more about me :)

Hi everyone! I'm sitting in class doing absolutely nothing :/ I take 2 college classes for 3rd and 4th block and today we don't have class so I have nothing better to do than sit here wasting time writing! If it was allowed I would leave early and go home BUT rules are if you leave early its considered a tardy -_- EVEN if you have nothing to do for the rest of the day. Its plain out stupid. Wouldn't it be better if I could go home and actually do something productive like brush horses, fill water buckets or clean the house up a bit instead of wasting time sitting on the computer? School rules don't make sense half the time. I think if your caught up on all your work and have good grades you should be allowed to go home once your done with your work but thats just me. So I haven't seen Justin since Thanksgiving and even then it was only for a few hours :( AND he got new orders about a month ago..... guess where he's getting sent to HAWAII for the next FOUR years. So instead of just being a couple hours apart we're going to be almost an ocean apart. I got really scared when he told me and since then have been a bit of a mess :/ I don't want him to go but I know he doesn't have much of a choice. I was really upset the other day when I was talking to my mom about all this and her being the wonderful mother she is called him later on that night and now he'd coming up here to see me before he leaves. I'm excited :))) but at the same time I'm scared and nervous and know that when it's time for him to leave I'll be even more of a mess. I mean we made it through bootcamp, A School and him getting stationed in Va but hawaii is alot farther away. Do you know how much a plane ticket to hawaii is??? $1000 and thats if its bought several months in advance. He leaves in April to go back to school in Fl then in June heads to Hawaii. I graduate in May so we're hoping (crossing fingers too) that he'll be able to make it to my graduation. I'd really like for him to be there but if he's not..... well I understand. He called me the night mom talked to him and told me he was going to come visit but refused to tell me when -_- so knowing my luck he's going to show up while I'm in school or asleep and I'm gonna look like crap and then I'll be mad -_- but not for long b/c I'd get to see him :) I worry that with us being so far apart that we'll both change and not fit right together anymore. Everytime I know I'm going to see him I get all nervous and can feel the butterflys in my stomache and then I see him and know everythings still the same and I fall into his arms and no matter whats going on around me, everything is okay and time stops for a little while. It's.... amazing to say the least. Well I guess thats all I'm going to write for today. I have a friend that wants to be a mortician and wants me to read her essay for mortician school. Oughta be fun :) Bye!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

First post :)

So, this is the first blog I've done. Not sure how it'll go. If I'll get ANY followers, if I'll like doing a blog or if I'll even keep up with it! But I guess I'll find out soon enough. To start off My names Lindsie, I'm a senior in high school (Class of 2011!!!) I have a crazy, amazing, awesome, totallly insane, on of a kind, couldn't live without them family. I can't wait to graduate, I like writing poetry, singing, sunshine, waterfalls, horses (to a point), and a whole bunch of other stuff. Believe me you'll learn alot more about me if you just read whatever I decide to write on here. I can't explain myself, never been able too. Umm.... I've been dating this one guy on and off for working on 2 years now. Being hours apart and him going into the navy kind of screwed things up a bit but if it's ment to be it'll work out however its suppose to and well I think thats all I'm going to write tonight. I have school in the AM :p yay lol. Good night <3